Westminster Blvd Sewer Project Post Consruction Outreach Survey

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The Orange County Sanitation District (OC San) Westminster Blvd. Sewer outreach team would like to thank residents, businesses and the commuting public for their support and patience during the recent construction project. Two new regional sewer pipelines along a 3-mile stretch along Westminster Blvd. in the cities of Seal Beach and Westminster have been installed and are fully operational.

OC San provides regional wastewater collection, treatment, and recycling services for approximately 2.6 million people in central and northwest Orange County. OC San is committed to acting in a timely, accurate, accessible, and transparent manner through excellent customer service.

We are committed to strengthening communication efforts with the community. We would appreciate your feedback to help identify opportunities to help improve outreach communications with future construction projects throughout Orange County within our service area.

We understand that there are construction-related impacts such as project delays, noise and traffic that you may have experienced. However, the focus of this survey is solely on outreach communications.

Please take a moment to take this survey online at https://forms.office.com/g/war5BNYRL5 or scan the QR code below.


 QRCode for Construction Outreach Satisfaction Survey


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