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Taft Avenue Sewer Improvement Project

Home >> News >> Taft Avenue Sewer Improvement Project
Post Date:11/30/2022 4:05 PM


OC San is hosting a community meeting to share information about the upcoming Taft Avenue Sewer Improvement Project in the City of Orange.

During the meeting you’ll learn more about OC San, the project status, and schedule. You’ll hear directly from the project team members and have the opportunity to ask questions.

Date: Thursday, Dec. 8, 2022, at 6 p.m. via Zoom 


Telephone: 669-900-6833 

Webinar ID: 847 6495 7101 

 The virtual meeting will be held in English. 

Project Description:

The future project will replace and relocate a portion of the Taft Sewer in the City of Orange.

The project will upsize almost two miles of pipe along Taft Avenue from Glassell Street to Sacramento Street, northbound on Sacramento Street to Brentford Avenue, to Breckenridge Street to Meats Avenue. The current pipe ranges between 12 to 15 inches and will be upsized to 18 to 21 inches.

A portion of the sewer that currently runs along Tustin Street will be relocated to N. Sacramento Street where there is more room to install a larger pipe and facilitates the future maintenance of the pipeline.

 Taft Project alignment_2022

 Current Status:

The project is currently in design. Construction is anticipated to start in spring 2024 and conclude in spring 2026.

In preparation for the project, OC San is potholing the area to identify the existing utilities.  This activity will be ongoing through mid-July 2022.


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