OC San Community Outreach Survey

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We need your feedback.

OC San has a 10-year $2.6 billion Capital Improvement Program to enhance and improve our infrastructure throughout our service area and within our treatment plants. As such, we have an active community outreach program to keep the public informed of our projects and activities.

In order to provide the best service to the public, we are conducting an OUTREACH SURVEY to seek your feedback and opinions on our program.

OC San has recently constructed sewer projects that you may have seen or been impacted by. Through this survey we seek to understand how effective OC San is when communicating project benefits/impacts to residents.

We understand that some residents may have experienced construction-related impacts such as noise levels, traffic restrictions, access limitations etc. These impacts, while a priority, fall out of the scope of the communications team. Therefore, we ask that you take this survey considering only OC San’s communications performance. That is, how well they kept you informed throughout the construction process.

We appreciate you taking the time to answer this short survey candidly with your insights and opinions. Please note that this survey is anonymous. If you have any questions regarding this survey, please contact the OC San Construction Hotline or at (714) 378-5763.



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