K-Rail Installation For Westminster Blvd Project

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K-Rail Installation For Westminster Blvd Project


As critical infrastructure, OCSD’s service is deemed essential and imperative during the response to the COVID-19 public health emergency. OCSD will continue to operate for both the public health and safety of Orange County and the State of California. 

***Go to www.ocsd.com/westminster for current updates.***  

City of Seal Beach:  Westminster Blvd. between Seal Beach Blvd. and Bolsa Chica Rd. 

Westminster Blvd. was recently restriped between Bolsa Chica Rd. and Kitts Hwy (east of Seal Beach Blvd). Drive with caution with the new traffic pattern.

Starting May 14, k-rail concrete barriers and crash cushion installation will take place to protect: 1) existing power utility poles on the north side of the street, and 2) the construction area within the median of Westminster Blvd.  

Upcoming activity will include potholing to locate and verify existing utilities. Excavation will follow shortly for the construction of 2 new sewer regional pipelines. This phase of construction is anticipated to take place until winter of 2021.

Did you know? 

Standard k-rail sections are 20-ft long and weigh approximately 8,000 lbs.  

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Project Description:

The project will replace and reconstruct nearly three miles of two parallel 36-inch diameter sewer pipelines on Westminster Boulevard between Seal Beach Boulevard and Rancho Road/Hammon Place in the cities of Seal Beach and Westminster.

This project is within the Western Regional service area.


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