Upcoming Night Work in Seal Beach

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Upcoming Night Work in Seal Beach


As critical infrastructure, OCSD’s service is deemed essential and imperative during the response to the COVID-19 public health emergency. OCSD will continue to operate for both the public health and safety of Orange County and the State of California. 

City of Seal Beach:  Westminster Blvd. between Seal Beach Blvd. and Bolsa Chica Rd. 

Over the past few weeks, crews have been busy grading and paving on Westminster Blvd. The new paving will temporarily become the bike lanes while sewer construction work takes place.

Temp Bike Paving_050120  

Night Work Activity

Crews will re-stripe lanes on Westminster Blvd.  between Bolsa Chica Rd. and Kitts Hwy. to shift traffic to create a work space area for sewer pipeline construction in the center median area.  This will require traffic control and lane closures.  Please drive with caution to keep you and our crews safe.

  • Sunday, May 10 – Wednesday, May 13
  • 8 p.m. – 4 a.m.

Dates and times are subject to change due to operational factors or inclement weather.

Upcoming Construction Activity

After the night work to re-stripe the lanes is completed, the public will begin to notice the installation of k-rail concrete barriers.  The k-rail will create a workspace area in the median, while still allowing 2 travel lanes and bike lane in each direction.

Read the fact sheet to learn more about the project.

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Project Description:

The project will replace and reconstruct nearly three miles of two parallel 36-inch diameter sewer pipelines on Westminster Boulevard between Seal Beach Boulevard and Rancho Road/Hammon Place in the cities of Seal Beach and Westminster.

This project is within the Western Regional service area.


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