Construction Completed
Construction for the Newport Blvd Sewer project has been completed as of June 2019. Thank you to the community’s patience as we worked to improve the regional sewer infrastructure.
If you have any questions or want the most up-to-date information, please call our Construction Hotline at (714) 378-2965 or e-mail
Project Description:
The Newport Blvd. District 6 Trunk Sewer Relief construction project will replace an existing 60 year old regional sewer pipeline with a larger sewer pipeline to increase the sewer flow capacity and reduce the risk of spills. Construction will take place along Newport Blvd. between Pacific Coast Highway and Industrial Way in the City of Newport Beach and Pomona Ave and 17th St in the City of Costa Mesa.
Additional work will take place along Newport Blvd. near Via Lido (not shown on map).