Deep Soil Mixing

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Deep Soil Mixing

Orange County Water District Construction Project


Deep Soil Mixing on the OCWD Tanks & Pump Station Construction Project 

Two concrete tanks will be constructed, 30 feet high with a combined capacity of six million gallons of reclaimable water.  A new pump station will be constructed to pump treated wastewater from the tanks to the GWRS facility in Fountain Valley for treatment and injection into our groundwater basin.

Schedule: May – August 2020, Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Location:  North end of the OCSD Plant No. 2 facility in Huntington Beach

Deep soil mixing is done to enhance and strengthen the ground in preparation for construction of the two water tanks for the GWRS Final Expansion project. This activity utilizes large augers to drill into the ground to construct cement-mixed columns below the ground surface.

postcard was mailed out nearby neighbors regarding this work activity.

About the Groundwater Replenishment System:

The Groundwater Replenishment System (GWRS) is a collaboration between OCSD and the Orange County Water District (OCWD). It is the world’s largest water purification system for indirect potable reuse. The system takes highly treated wastewater from OCSD that would have otherwise discharged into the ocean and purifies it using a three-step advanced treatment process. The result is high quality water that meets or exceeds all state and federal drinking water standards.

The Groundwater Replenishment System (GWRS) Final Expansion Project will maximize water reuse, reducing the amount of treated wastewater discharged through the ocean outfall. The project will increase treatment capacity from 100 to 130 million gallons per day, enough water for 1 million people! 

More information about GWRS can be found by visiting

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