Dive into Sustainable Water Management with OC San & OCWD! 🌊

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PBS just released a video that spotlights the partnership between the Orange County Sanitation District (OC San) and the Orange County Water District (OCWD) in their groundbreaking Groundwater Replenishment System (GWRS).

Watch the PBS video here: https://youtu.be/RfNF0ly32PM


The video will give you an up-close look at how OC San and OCWD are working hand in hand to revolutionize the way we think about water resources. We’re not just preserving water; we are creating a sustainable oasis in the midst of Southern California’s arid landscape.

Explore the intricate process of treating wastewater to near-distilled quality before injecting it back into the groundwater supply. Witness how this eco-friendly system not only provides a reliable source of drinking water but also helps combat water scarcity in the region.

Discover the dedication, technology, and expertise that goes into making the GWRS a success story for the environment, the community, and future generations.

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