William Cassidy, OC San Engineering Supervisor snagged the Pumps & Systems July issue front cover.
We always hear that experience is one of the most important things to have. OC San is full of experienced professionals who have so much to share. In the current Pumps & Systems issue William shares what he has learned throughout his years and what he wants the next generation to know.
Here’s a small teaser of the interview:
As he nears retirement age, one of the challenges Cassidy foresees is conveying the knowledge he and other experienced engineers have to the younger generation. “I have taken over mentoring interns and mentoring younger engineers, getting them to prepare to understand the concepts in great detail,” he said. “We apply a lot of steady state equations in situations, whereas in reality, it’s really a dynamic world we live in. …I’m trying to make sure the younger generation understands the basic concepts behind it and apply that to a dynamic situation.”
To read the full interview check out the July 2021 Pumps & Systems issue.