Los Alamitos Trunk Sewer Construction Project – November 21, 2023
We are happy to inform you that all major construction work for the Los Alamitos Trunk Sewer Project is finished. OC San is diligently addressing the final details, including landscaping and final paving, to wrap up the entire project. Your patience and understanding throughout this process are greatly appreciated, as this essential work contributes to enhancing Orange County’s infrastructure. Thank you for your cooperation!
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Questions? Construction Hotline 714.378.2965 or ConstructionHotline@ocsan.gov.
Project Description
OC San is rehabilitating two parallel sewers on north and southbound Seal Beach Blvd./ Los Alamitos Blvd., and along Katella Avenue, Oak Street, and Lexington Drive in the cities of Seal Beach and Los Alamitos. The work consists of removing calcium buildup at various pipe joints and injecting chemical grout to strengthen the pipe. Rehabilitation and/or replacement of over 70 manholes will also take place.