New Strategic Plan Now In Place

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OC San’s Board of Directors has adopted the 2021 Strategic Plan. This is OC San’s course marker and guide for the next couple of years.

But what exactly does that mean for us all? Let’s break it down.

Strategic planning is the first step to define OC San’s ability to have people and assets in place to meet our agreed upon mission. The 2021 Strategic Plan includes 15 goals under four categories: Business Principles, Environmental Stewardship, Wastewater Management, and Workplace Environment.  To make these goals attainable, we have initiatives that we will collectively work on to accomplish the goals.

The Strategic Plan has various components and is tied to a variety of documents and efforts. One being the Levels of Service. The Levels of Service are our commitment to our ratepayers, regulators, stakeholders, and our employees on how and what we will focus on. This varies from number of odor complains to sewer spills to credit rating to miles of sewer pipes cleaned. It captures what we do.

The Risk Register is also part of this plan. It is a full analysis of all of our risks whether internal, external, political, economic, etc. It’s a notation of what can possibly go wrong, and how we will mitigate so that we are prepared in case those scenarios ever arise.

And lastly the Core Values. Our Core Values have been updated from the original version created in 2006 to better align with our current culture and philosophy.  They support our mission and vision and reinforce our professional work ethic.

To read the full list of goals and initiatives, Level of Service, Risk Register, and Core Values, please click here to view the adopted Strategic Plan.


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