OC San Celebrates 69th Anniversary

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It all started on June 9, 1954 – the County Sanitation Districts of Orange County began official operations taking over the of the duties of the Joint Outfall Sewer.

Today, 69 years later, as the Orange County Sanitation District, we are more than just a wastewater treatment plant, we are a resource recovery facility. We are recycling 100 percent of our reclaimable flow, we recycle about 540 tons of biosolids (nutrient-rich organic byproduct of wastewater treatment), we generate an average of 7.1 million kilowatts of energy per month, and so on.

Our over 600 employees work day in and day out to meet the same mission we had back then, to protect public health and the environment.

Cheers to us for celebrating 69 years!

Learn more about OC San and our history.

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