OC San Says “Soak Up the Rain”

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On a typical day, OC San safely collects, treats, recycles and disposes of approximately 180 million gallons of wastewater generated by 2.6 million people in north and central Orange County.  During the Saturday, February 25 rain event, OC San processed a peak flow up to 380 million gallons of water. That is double the amount that we normally receive.

The wastewater generated in homes and businesses travels through the local sanitary sewer system to OC San’s wastewater treatment facilities in Fountain Valley and Huntington Beach.  During heavy rains, and in the hours immediately following, the sewer lines carry significantly higher levels of water to the treatment plants due to the inflow and infiltration of rainwater into the system. This results in dramatic peaks of wastewater flowing to the plants and can cause potential problems in the sewer lines and at the treatment facilities.

What can you do? Residents and businesses can help by deferring water-using chores until after the heavy storm has passed.  If the rain does not seem to be letting up, it’s best to postpone laundry or dishwashing activities until after 6:00 p.m.  Additionally, please, always turn off the tap when brushing your teeth or shaving and take shorter showers.

For up-to-date information follow us on social media @OCSanDistrict.

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