OC San to Deploy First Commercial-Scale AirSCWO System

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OC San in pleased to announce the purchase of an AirSCWOTM system as part of an agreement with 374Water to demonstrate a commercial-scale system to treat raw primary and secondary sludge, biosolids, and food waste.

374Water is a US-based cleantech, social impact company whose mission is to preserve a clean and healthy environment that sustains life. AirSCWO (Supercritical Water Oxidation) is a physical-thermal process that handles a variety of organic wastes, in particular wet wastes in concentrated slurries such as wastewater sludge, biosolids, and agricultural, pharmaceutical, and chemical wastes. By implementing 374Water’s AirSCWOTM technology, OC San will be able to better handle challenges relating to solids processing and disposal costs, air emissions requirements for methane and power generation, and more.

The installation of this new technology includes a sludge pretreatment unit that will dewater and thicken sludge prior to AirSCWOTM treatment. 374Water and its partners will install, commission, operate, and maintain the system for six months, and then transfer the operations to OC San.

The AirSCWOTM project is just another example of OC San’s long history of researching new and innovative technologies to improve wastewater treatment and resource recovery. By partnering with 374Water and implementing this new technology, OC San hopes to reinforce and strengthen its overall mission of protecting public health and the environment.

To learn more about 374Water and AirSCWO, visit https://www.374water.com/technology

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