OCSD Wins Two MISAC Awards

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OCSD Wins Two MISAC Awards

The Municipal Information Systems Association of California (MISAC) selected the Sanitation District for the 2019 award for “Excellence in Information Technology Practices” at the highest, Outstanding, level. This award signifies that OCSD met or exceeded MISAC standards in the technology focused areas of Budget and Strategic Planning, Purchasing, Operations and Staffing, Customer Service, Internet, Project Management, Professional Development and Training, Disaster Preparation and Recovery, Policies and Procedures, and Security.

OCSD also received a MISAC 2019 Visual Information Award in recognition of the Virtual Tour that was prepared by our Information Technology and Public Affairs staff. This award recognizes excellence in creating and displaying visual or graphical information. MISAC members represent 250 cities, 80 special districts and water agencies, and 20 fire, police, and transportation organizations.

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