Orange-Western Trunk Sewer – April 2, 2024

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City of Anaheim


Last week, we encountered a pipeline blockage on our regional sewer pipe that triggered immediate action to addresses the situation. Crews worked over the weekend to assess the situation and attempt to make the necessary repairs to prevent any disruption to the sewer service in the community. Repair work has already begun and will continue over the next couple of weeks. Approximately 300 feet of pipe are affected which will require traffic control and a bypass system. Given the scale of the task and our commitment to ensuring a thorough and safe fix, the work is anticipated to extend until end of April.

We appreciate your patience as we work on completing this essential repair.


  • Orange Ave. reduced to one lane going west and two lanes going east from Knott Ave. to Danbrook Dr.
  • Knott Ave. reduced to one lane going northbound
  • No left turn from Orange Ave to southbound Knott Ave.
  • Mon – Fri, 7 a.m. – 7 p.m., with possible Saturday and Sunday work based on need
  • East crosswalk will be restricted.
  • Noise

Map of work area on Orange Ave and Danrook Dr.

Your patience and cooperation are greatly appreciated as we work to enhance our community’s infrastructure!

For your safety and that of our crew, please follow all posted traffic signs and use caution while driving in the construction zone. 

*Dates and times are subject to change due to operational factors or inclement weather.

Overall Project Timeline:  Winter 2022 – Spring 2024*



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Project Description

Manholes and sections of sewer pipeline on Western Avenue and Orange Avenue in the Cities of Buena Park, Anaheim, and Cypress will be rehabilitated to extend their service life. OC San will clean and inject chemical grout into the pipelines and rehabilitate or replace manholes along the highlighted section of the entire project area map. Small segments of pipe will also be replaced. 

Overall Map of area_revised

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