Over 300 new locations to safely dispose of medications!
Read more to find a location near you.
Medications shouldn’t be disposed of in the toilet, sink, or trash. If not disposed of properly they can be harmful to the environment,  the OCSD wastewater treatment process, or pets that may accidentally get into the trash.
Albertsons, Inmar Intelligence, California Product Stewardship Council (CPSC), and the National Stewardship Action Council (NSAC) have all partnered to expand consumer drug take-back in California at more than 300 Albertsons, Safeway, Von’s, and Pavilions locations. This partnership expands upon the safe medicine disposal infrastructure already in place thanks to voluntary actions and the 13 local ordinances passed in California that require the medication producers to fund and operate a medicine take-back program.
For a map of locations visit www.takebackdrugs.org
And remember only the 3 Ps belong in the sewer…pee, poo, and (toilet) paper.