Short Street in Newport Beach is Open

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The k-rail concrete barriers used for the full closure of Short Street at Newport Boulevard have been removed.  The street is reopen to the public.  Please note, periodic closures during work hours may still occur until the project is completed.   

Approximately 2 more weeks of construction remain on Newport Boulevard near Via Lido. Work hours are between Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., weather permitting.  Some weekend work may occur as needed.

Thank you for your continued patience during the construction of this important project. This project will extend the useful life of the sewer pipe for the next 50 years, protecting critical infrastructure for Newport Beach and the health of the bay.

*All dates and times are subject to change based on inclement weather and other operational factors.  

Follow the progress of the project and receive construction updates by signing up for e-notifications and select “Newport Blvd Sewer” in the news section.


If you have any questions or want the most up-to-date information, please call our Construction Hotline at (714) 378-2965 or e-mail

Project Description:

The Newport Blvd. District 6 Trunk Sewer Relief construction project will replace an existing 60 year old regional sewer pipeline with a larger sewer pipeline to increase the sewer flow capacity and reduce the risk of spills.  Construction will take place along Newport Blvd. between Pacific Coast Highway and Industrial Way in the City of Newport Beach and Pomona Ave and 17th St in the City of Costa Mesa.  

Additional work will take place along Newport Blvd. near Via Lido (not shown on map).


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