State College Construction

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State College Construction

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Construction of the sewer line is progressing along State College Blvd. Thus far we’ve installed 7,500 feet of pipe, which is about a mile and a half and we are getting close to wrapping up the work south of Ball Rd.

Take a look at the progress map  to view our work area and proposed schedule.  Some updates for the next few weeks are below:

Howell Ave. to Ball Rd.

Sewer installation continues and is expected to be complete by early June.  Regular work hours are Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.  (Work hours in the area from Howell to Cerritos will vary based on Angel games so as not to interfere with event traffic).

Howell Avenue Intersection

Intermittent left hand turns restrictions will occur as sewer installation is completed. Right hand turns are allowed. U-turns can be made at Cerritos Ave. and Katella Ave. to continue route. South and north bound traffic are open on State College Blvd. though lanes are reduced in each direction.

SCB_Howell_04.25.19   SCB 04.25.19

Ball Rd. to Courtney Ave.

Preliminary work has started. Excavation and installation of the pipe will take place in the next couple of weeks.

To avoid digging up the intersection, the pipe will be tunneled. This requires two pits, one north and one south of the Ball Rd. intersection to insert and remove the tunneling machine, and subsequently to insert the new pipe.

The pipe north of Ball Road will be installed in the traditional open-cut method.

As we approach the schools and parks in the area, we want to remind everyone to allow extra time to arrive to your destination and to drive extra carefully in the construction zones. The northbound bus stop will be relocated, please see posted alerts at bus stops.


To reduce traffic impacts and expedite some of the construction, night work will be taking place at the intersections of Ball Rd. and Cerritos Ave. Work hours are 7 p.m. to 6 a.m.

Ball Rd. Intersection 
A City water line is also being installed at the Ball intersection. While excavation is required for this activity, it is not as deep as it would be for the sewer line. The water line work is expected to take place for approximately two months.  Temporary turn restrictions and lane reductions will be in effect, but the intersection will remain open.

Cerritos Ave. Intersection

Nightwork on the sewer manholes continues at the Cerritos intersection through early June in order to help reduce traffic impacts in the area.

Misc. Night Work

There is still work to be done at the intersection of Orangewood Ave. and State College Blvd. that will occur while the Angels are out of town or potentially at the end of the baseball season.

We understand construction can be an inconvenience, we apologize in advance and appreciate your patience as we work to improve our infrastructure.

*Dates are subject to change due to operational factors or inclement weather.


Project Description:
The project is replacing four miles of sewer along State College Boulevard from the SR-91 to Orangewood Avenue in the City of Anaheim. Construction began in summer 2018 and is scheduled to be completed in late 2020.  Once the project is complete, eight million gallons of wastewater will be diverted to OCSD’s Plant No. 1 in Fountain Valley for treatment before being send to the Groundwater Replenishment System.  This is Phase B of a two-phase project; Phase A was completed in 2017 and took place from Yorba Linda Blvd. to SR-91 in the City of Fullerton.

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