State College Sewer Construction – Major Traffic Restrictions

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State College Sewer Construction – Major Traffic Restrictions

Starting on Monday, November 18, major construction at the intersection of State College Blvd. and Orangewood Avenue will require the complete closure of north and westbound thru traffic between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.

Full details:

  • Northbound traffic on State College: RIGHT TURNS ONLY, no thru traffic, no left turns
    • Detour: 57 FWY north, exit westbound Katella Avenue or Ball Road. Local traffic can make a U-turn at Angels Stadium entrance to gain access to northbound State College.
  • Southbound traffic on State College:  Thru traffic and right turns allowed, no left turns
    • Detour: U-turn at Orange Center Drive to return to eastbound Orangewood Ave.
  • Westbound traffic on Orangewood:  RIGHT TURNS ONLY, No thru traffic, no left turns
    • Detour: U-turn at Gene Autry to access southbound State College and westbound Orangewood Ave.
  • Eastbound traffic on Orangewood: Thru traffic and right turns allowed, no left turns
    • Detour: U-turn at Angels Stadium entrance access to northbound State College.

SCB_OW closure_nov2019

The closure will take place outside of rush hour to minimize impact to commuters. This phase of the project should be completed by November 27. Please be aware that the ongoing construction activities in this area will commence at 5 a.m. and conclude at 7  p.m. Monday – Friday, only the closure will occur from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday work will take place 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The closure is required to complete shoring and excavation for the sewer pipe. The pipe extends into the center travel lanes which requires a closure to complete the work. This same closure will be required at a later date to install the pipe, and then remove the shoring plates.

Please view NOTIFICATIONS for additional work taking place throughout the project alignment.


Project Description:
The project is replacing four miles of sewer along State College Boulevard from the SR-91 to Orangewood Avenue in the City of Anaheim. Construction began in late summer 2018 and is scheduled to be completed in 2020.  Once the project is complete, eight million gallons of wastewater will be diverted to OCSD’s Plant No. 1 in Fountain Valley for treatment before being send to the Groundwater Replenishment System.  This is Phase B of a two-phase project; Phase A was completed in 2017 and took place from Yorba Linda Blvd. to SR-91 in the City of Fullerton.


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