State College Sewer Construction Update – November 27, 2019

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State College Sewer Construction Update – November 27, 2019

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For more information please contact the Construction Hotline at (657) 208-7900 or via email at

Construction is in full swing on State College Blvd. As we head into the Thanksgiving weekend,

we would like to THANK YOU all for your patience

and understanding as we construct this very critical regional sewer line.

We wish you all a wonderful THANKSGIVING DAY with your loved ones.

No work will take place over the holiday weekend, all activities will resume Monday, December 2.

We have new activities starting

next week (weather permitting) to make note of, and will continue with the current activities as well.

Activities Starting Week of December 2 (*weather permitting):

La Palma Avenue to Underhill Avenue – moving into area

•Sewer installation work will begin in this area. First activity will be k-rail (concrete barriers) installation and striping,

followed by shoring, excavation, and laying pipe.

See NOTICE for details.
•Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
•Through Spring 2020*

Howell Avenue – nighttime detour

•Lateral connection to main sewer line. K-rail installation between Howell and Cerritos Avenue.
•Lane reductions. Detour will be in place over the next 6 weeks* at night only as work occurs in the intersection.

See map below.
•Monday – Friday, 8 p.m. – 6 a.m. Occasional Saturdays.
•December 2 – Mid-January 2020*


Orangewood Avenue Intersection – major traffic restrictions

• Shoring installation, excavation, and pipe laying across the intersection

.NO THRU TRAFFIC northbound State College Blvd. and westbound Orangewood Avenue.

See NOTICE for details and detour options.
•Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., and Saturday 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.
•Week of December 2, for approximately one week*


Romneya/Placentia Avenue Intersection – traffic restrictions

•Manhole installation, irrigation, and base paving

•NO THRU TRAFFIC for east/west travel, right turns only onto State College Blvd. No left turns permitted in any direction.
•Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., and Saturday 7 a.m.- 5 p.m.
•Week of December 2, for approximately two weeks*

Continuing Activities:

 Romneya to La Palma

•Continuing with sewer installation work
•Lane reductions and occasional turn restrictions
•Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., and Saturday 7 a.m.- 5 p.m.
•Ongoing – January 2020*

Ball Road to Vermont Avenue

•Sewer installation is complete. Ongoing work consists of street restoration including landscaping, irrigation, and paving.
•Left turns may be restricted as this work occurs.
•Monday – Friday, occasional Saturdays. 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. (Night work will be required at times.
•Through mid-December*

 Ball Road (south of intersection) 

•Continue lateral connection to main sewer line
•Occasional turn restrictions may be necessary
•Night work: Monday – Friday, 8 p.m. – 6 a.m.
•Through 2019*

Cerritos Avenue Intersection

•Continue lateral connection to main sewer line.
•Lane reductions and left turn restrictions.
•Night work: Monday – Friday, 8 p.m. – 6 a.m.
•Ongoing through mid-January*

Platinum Triangle

•Manhole construction to allow connection of laterals to main sewer line.

This activity requires shoring and excavation which may trigger minor vibration.
•Lane reductions and turn restrictions are necessary.
•Monday – Friday, 5 a.m. – 7 p.m., occasional Saturdays.
•Ongoing – March 2020

We understand that construction can be an inconvenience, we apologize for the disruption and thank you for your

patience and understanding as we work to improve the regional sewer.

*Dates are subject to change due to operational factors or inclement weather.

Project Description
The project is replacing four miles of sewer along State College Boulevard from the SR-91 to Orangewood Avenue in the City of Anaheim.

Construction began in late summer 2018 and is scheduled to be completed in 2020.

Once the project is complete, eight million gallons of wastewater will be diverted to OCSD’s Plant No. 1 in Fountain Valley

for treatment before being send to the Groundwater Replenishment System.

This is Phase B of a two-phase project; Phase A was completed in 2017 and took place from Yorba Linda Blvd. to SR-91 in the City of Fullerton.


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