Talking About Our CIP

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On September 14, Jim Herberg, OC San General Manager, presented to the Orange County Business Council – Infrastructure Committee.  Jim discussed  the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and the employment opportunities our projects are creating in Orange County.

The $3 billion CIP is OC San’s long-term plan to maintain its infrastructure -the vast network of facilities, pipelines, and pump stations that allow us to provide wastewater collection, treatment, and recycling services. The CIP replaces and rehabilitates aging facilities so we can continue to provide reliable sewer service, comply with regulatory requirements, and improve levels of service. Over the next fiscal year, OC San will have dozens of projects in various phases of development. From studies to address or identity solutions to design efforts and construction contracts. In the next few months open houses will be scheduled for vendors and firms to learn more about our program and upcoming projects.

For more information regarding the CIP visit

To register for upcoming bid and vendor opportunities visit the contracts and purchasing page.

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