Wastewater Knowledge Isn’t a Waste

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Looking for some fun and educational activities for your kids this summer? Look no further than OC San! With a wide range of downloadable content available, OC Sans offers engaging materials that will keep kids entertained while also stimulating their minds. From interactive worksheets to creative projects, there’s something for every child to enjoy while learning about the importance of wastewater and more importantly, what should and should not go down the toilet. We have partnered with the Heritage Museum of Orange County to provide this material throught a virtual portal and if you visit their on site location you can get some OC San messaging during one of their tours.

For those wanting to know more about the ins and outs of OC San, we also offer virtual and in-person tours that kids can access and register for at ocsan.gov/tours. These tours provide exciting opportunities for teens and adults to learn more about how OC San treats the wastewater that comes into our facility.

Take advantage of the free content we have available for FREE to keep your kids, teens, and even yourself entertained and learning throughout the summer months.

Check out all the content at the OC San x Heritage Museum of Orange County Educational Portal

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