Westminster Sewer Construction Update – April 17, 2023

Home >> News >> Westminster Sewer Construction Update – April 17, 2023



The project replaces and constructs nearly three miles of two regional pressurized sewer pipelines (force mains) on Westminster Boulevard between Seal Beach Boulevard and Rancho Road/Hammon Place in the cities of Seal Beach and Westminster.  Construction began Spring 2020 and all underground sewer construction work was completed late 2022. Landscape and street restoration will be complete by early 2023.    

Construction of the two new sewer pipelines is complete.  Restoration activities will continue to take place throughout the project area.


Westminster Blvd. between Seal Beach Blvd. and Bolsa Chica Rd. (City of Seal Beach)

  • What:  Bicycle lane paving restoration – During sewer construction, the construction zone primarily took place in the center median area. With the installation of a temporary bike lane, two driving lanes and bicycle lane in each direction were maintained.
  • When: Tentatively scheduled to occur in May, taking approximately 2 weeks.  Starting week of May 22.
  • What to Expect:
    • The temporary bicycle lane will be removed starting April 20 in preparation of the original bike lane paving restoration.
    • While paving restoration occurs, the bicycle lane will be closed. Bicyclists will need to use alternate routes.

More information will be provided as dates and details are confirmed.



Entire project area – Westminster Blvd., between Seal Beach Blvd. and Rancho Rd/Hammon Pl.


  • What:  Final striping of the newly paved street to restore all street lanes and parking.  Streets will be returned as they were prior to the sewer construction project. Striping will consist of two separate coats.
  • When:
    • Tuesday, April 18. Location: City of Seal Beach.
    • Wednesday, April 19. Location: City of Westminster.

*Schedule subject to change due to operational factors or inclement weather.

  • Work Hours:  8 p.m. – 5 a.m. 
  • What to Expect:
    • Lane closures and turn restrictions.
    • Delays when traveling through the area. Allow plenty of time to get to your destination.
    • If possible, avoid the area and use alternate routes.
    • Increased noise levels.
    • Parking on Westminster Blvd. will return after work is completed.


2023.03.17 Paving

Photo above: Recently paved Westminster Blvd. There will be upcoming nightwork for final striping.

We understand that traffic and construction impacts can be an inconvenience and we apologize in advance and thank you for your patience.  We are working closely with the cities of Seal Beach and Westminster and have notified them of the schedule.

*All dates and times are subject to change due to operational factors or inclement weather.  


View the project progress map for current and future work. 

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