Westminster Sewer Construction Update – February 4, 2021

Home >> News >> Westminster Sewer Construction Update – February 4, 2021

This project replaces two existing side-by-side regional sewer pipelines.  Only one pipeline can be replaced at a time since the other pipe needs to be in service in order to collect and transport wastewater for treatment and recycling 24/7. The contractor is currently working on the first of the two pipelines. The contractor will need to excavate down to the existing pipeline, remove it, and construct a new pipeline in its place. If necessary, median, curbs, landscaping, and trees will need to be removed.  They will be replaced after sewer work is completed and restoration takes place.


Between Bolsa Chica and University Street

Work is progressing and heading in the direction towards Rancho Road. As you can see from the photo below, the contractor had to work very close and carefully next to the City of Westminster monument.

Day work hours:  7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m., Monday – Friday.

During work hours, Westminster Blvd. will be reduced to one lane in each direction. Please note some activities may occur outside these work hours within the k-rail sections between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.

Dates and times are subject to change due to operational factors or inclement weather.

Between Seal Beach Blvd and Bolsa Chica

Approximately a 2-mile stretch of sewer pipeline has been installed.  Paving activities are taking place.

Seal Beach Pump Station (Intersection of Westminster Blvd and Seal Beach Blvd)

Construction is currently taking place within the Seal Beach Pump Station site.


Intersection of Westminster Blvd. and Bolsa Chica

Starting February 19, around-the-clock weekend work from Friday 9 p.m. – Monday 6 a.m. will take place at this intersection.  More details to follow as the date approaches.


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Project Description:

The project will replace and reconstruct nearly three miles of two 36-inch diameter sewer pipelines on Westminster Boulevard between Seal Beach Boulevard and Rancho Road/Hammon Place in the cities of Seal Beach and Westminster.  Construction began Spring 2020 and will be completed Fall 2022.

This project is within the Western Regional service area.

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