Westminster Sewer Construction Update – January 27, 2023

Home >> News >> Westminster Sewer Construction Update – January 27, 2023



The project replaces and constructs nearly three miles of two regional pressurized sewer pipelines (force mains) on Westminster Boulevard between Seal Beach Boulevard and Rancho Road/Hammon Place in the cities of Seal Beach and Westminster.  Construction began Spring 2020 and all underground sewer construction work was completed late 2022. Landscape and street restoration will be complete by early 2023.    

Current Work:

Entire Project Area – Between Seal Beach Blvd. and Rancho Rd. 

Construction of the sewer pipelines is complete, with two new fully functional and operational pipelines.  Restoration activities will take place throughout the area which includes the removal of k-rail, median work, irrigation, landscaping, and paving.

Paving is tentatively scheduled to occur mid-February. More information will be provided as dates are confirmed.

2023.0124 Median Restoration

As part of the restoration work, median work is taking place. This photo is along Westminster Boulevard near the Milan Street intersection in the City of Westminster. (Photo taken January 23, 2023)

We understand that traffic and construction impacts can be an inconvenience and we apologize in advance and thank you for your patience.  We are working closely with the cities of Seal Beach and Westminster and have notified them of the schedule.

*All dates and times are subject to change due to operational factors or inclement weather.  


View the project progress map for current and future work. 

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