The project will replace and construct nearly three miles of two regional pressurized sewer pipelines (force mains) on Westminster Boulevard between Seal Beach Boulevard and Rancho Road/Hammon Place in the cities of Seal Beach and Westminster. Construction began Spring 2020 and is anticipated to be completed late 2022.
Intersection of Westminster Blvd. and Bolsa Chica Rd.
Construction of the second of two pipelines through the intersection has been completed. Steel plates have been removed and temporary paving and striping put in.
Work continues just to the west of the intersection where the pipe is connected to the Bolsa Chica bridge.
Between Bolsa Chica Rd. and Rancho Rd.
The segment of pipeline in this location was replaced using the sliplining method where a 36-inch diameter pipeline was installed into the existing 42-inch diameter pipeline. Pipe testing and CCTV of the inside of the pipeline are ongoing.
Intersection of Westminster Blvd. and Rancho Rd.
This portion of the work will rehabilitate the siphons, or pipes, that go under the Barber City Channel at the Rancho Road intersection. Before the rehabilitation work can occur, a new 84-inch diameter manhole needs to be constructed and temporary piping installed across the intersection that will bypass, or reroute, flows out of the siphons.
Anticipate periodic traffic delays as a result of lane reductions and turn restrictions. No left turns through the intersection during work hours when traffic control is set up through the intersection.
Work hours are M – F, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Near the Intersection of Westminster Blvd. and Seal Beach Blvd. (City of Seal Beach)
Work is ongoing by OC San’s Seal Beach Pump Station facility to connect the new pipeline to the pump station.
*All dates and times are subject to change due to operational factors or inclement weather.
View the project progress map for current and future work.
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