This project replaces two existing side-by-side regional sewer pipelines. One pipeline will be replaced at a time while the other pipeline is in service 24/7 to collect and transport wastewater for treatment and recycling. The contractor is currently working on the first of the two pipelines in the City of Westminster.
Between Bolsa Chica and Rancho Road – Continue reading about upcoming Saturday work starting May 8
The photo below shows the ongoing construction progress on Westminster Blvd. near Milan St.
The contractor will need to excavate and install shoring down to the existing pipeline, remove it, and construct a new pipeline in its place. Work is currently at Milan Street and heading in the direction towards Rancho Road.
In order to expedite some activities, some Saturday work may be added to the schedule.
- Saturdays. 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. Anticipate occasional Saturday work between Milan St and Rancho Rd.
- UPDATE – Work between Milan St and Rancho Rd. will not occur on Saturday, May 8 as previously mentioned.
- Monday – Friday. 7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday – Friday
- Westminster Blvd. will be reduced to one lane in each direction.
- Any trees and vegetation removed will be replaced after sewer work is completed and restoration takes place.
- Some activities may occur outside work hours within the k-rail sections between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Near or at the Intersection of Westminster Blvd. and Bolsa Chica Rd.
- Saturdays, 6 a.m. – 6 p.m. Anticipate work on Saturday, May 8 just outside the intersection.
- Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
- Traffic signal at the intersection will be on flashing red. Treat as a 4-way STOP.
- Be alert. There will be traffic lane closures and turn restrictions. Flaggers will be onsite to assist with directing traffic.
- Some construction activities will be loud.
- To avoid potential traffic delays, if possible, use alternate routes to avoid the area.
Between Seal Beach Blvd and Bolsa Chica (City of Seal Beach)
Street restoration and final paving activities of over 1 mile (7,000 feet) along Westminster Blvd. between Kitts Highway (east of Seal Beach Blvd.) and Bolsa Chica Rd is taking place. Paving has already taken place. The paving limits were primarily within the excavation area of where the construction of two new regional sewer pipelines occurred. Lane striping will allow for vehicular travel lanes to be moved back to the original configuration before the construction project.
Lane striping is tentatively scheduled for May 16 & 17 in the nighttime hours starting at 8 p.m.
Following the move of travel lanes back to the original configuration, any repairs to the original bicycle lane will occur and the temporary bicycle lane that was put in as part of this project will be removed.
Seal Beach Pump Station (Intersection of Westminster Blvd and Seal Beach Blvd)
Construction is currently taking place within the Seal Beach Pump Station site.
*All dates and times are subject to change due to operational factors or inclement weather.
View the project progress map for May.
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Project Description:
The project will replace and reconstruct nearly three miles of two 36-inch diameter sewer pipelines on Westminster Boulevard between Seal Beach Boulevard and Rancho Road/Hammon Place in the cities of Seal Beach and Westminster. Construction began Spring 2020 and will be completed Fall 2022.
This project is within the Western Regional service area.