Westminster Sewer Construction Update – September 7, 2021

Home >> News >> Westminster Sewer Construction Update – September 7, 2021

The project will replace and reconstruct nearly three miles of two regional sewer pipelines on Westminster Boulevard between Seal Beach Boulevard and Rancho Road/Hammon Place in the cities of Seal Beach and Westminster.  One pipeline will be replaced at a time while the other pipeline is in service 24/7 to collect and transport wastewater for treatment and recycling. 

Between Seal Beach Blvd and Bolsa Chica Rd

At the start of the project, a temporary bicycle lane was put in for both east and westbound traffic on Westminster Blvd.  The photo shows the temporary bicycle lane getting put in. This served as the bicycle lane during construction of the two new sewer pipelines along this stretch of the road.

Starting Thursday, September 9, 2021, the temporary bicycle lane will be removed where permanent lane striping has occurred.  The lane was put in on a temporary basis as part of the project only, and was always intended to be removed. The removal will start along east bound lanes, then proceed along west bound lanes.  The work is anticipated to last approximately 1 week.

Any needed repairs to the existing bicycle lane will be addressed after this work is completed.

Intersection of Westminster Blvd. and Rancho Road/Hammon Place 

Private sewer laterals connect to the local sewer pipelines that connect to OC San’s larger regional pipelines. As part of this project, OC San will be working on a portion of the local sewer pipelines, owned by the Midway City Sanitary District. The pipeline will be extended over the Anaheim-Barber City Channel, across Westminster Blvd. at Rancho Rd./Hammon Pl.   This work is expected to start in September and take approximately 2-3 months.

*All dates and times are subject to change due to operational factors or inclement weather.


Construction began Spring 2020 and is anticipated to be completed late 2022. View the project progress map. 

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