Orange-Western Trunk Sewer Project – September 21, 2022
The Orange Western Trunk Sewer Project is making its way to the City of Cypress. The regional sewer pipe on Orange Avenue needs to be rehabilitated. A segment of pipe between Valley View Street and Juanita Street will be relined, another segment will be replaced and the manholes along the pipe will be rehabilitated. To perform this work while maintaining service, it will be required to reroute the sewer flow which requires pumps to be placed above ground.
This work will enhance the condition of the pipe and allow it to remain in service for many years to come. In turn, the community will have a reliable regional sewer system they can trust.
City of Cypress
- Where:Â Orange Ave. between Valley View Street and Juanita Street
- When: October  – December 2022*
- Work Hours: Weekdays, 7 a.m. – 6 p.m. (the extended work hours are to expedite the duration of the work)
*Dates and times are subject to change due to operational factors or inclement weather.
What to Expect:
- Periodic traffic delays because of lane reductions and turn restrictions
- Increased noise level
- Certain bus stops along the route may be affected, please watch for posted signs and visit for details
Overall Project Timeline:  Winter 2022 –Winter 2023
For overall project details read the project Fact Sheet.Â
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Questions? Construction Hotline 714.378.2965 or
 Project Description
Manholes and sections of sewer pipeline on Western Avenue and Orange Avenue in the Cities of Buena Park, Anaheim, and Cypress will be rehabilitated to extend their service life. OC San will clean and inject chemical grout into the pipelines and rehabilitate or replace manholes along the highlighted section of the entire project area map. Small segments of pipe will also be replaced.
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