Bay Bridge Pump Station and Force Mains Replacement

Home >> Construction >> Bay Bridge Pump Station and Force Mains Replacement

Project Need:

The Bay Bridge Pump Station and Force Mains are located near pristine beaches along the Newport Channel Bay and is surrounded by residents, businesses, and visitors throughout the world. This pump station system transports between 4 to 18 million gallons of wastewater every day, under the bay from the Newport Beach community. This project is needed to ensure we continue to collect, transport, and recycle Newport Beach’s wastewater safely while protecting the public health and the environment.

Bay Bridge Pump Station_Current_small

 Photo above:  Current view of the existing Bay Bridge Pump Station

Project Description

There is a future project that will replace the existing Bay Bridge Pump Station located on Coast Highway between the Bay Bridge (east of Dover Drive) and Bayside Drive in the City of Newport Beach. The project will also replace the pressurized pipes, also referred to as force mains, consisting of two parallel pipelines which carry wastewater across the lower Newport Bay Channel. Wastewater then makes it way to OC San’s Treatment Plant No. 2 in Huntington Beach.

Project Background

The Bay Bridge Pump Station was originally constructed in 1966 and is over 50 years old. The force mains are also over 50 years old. These critical assets are reaching the end of their useful life and need to be replaced to ensure they are reliable for the next 50 years. The new facility will be built to current structural and safety codes, making it safe and reliable to workers and the public.

More information about the project can be found in the Q & A section.


All CEQA documents can be viewed here.


The project is currently in the Final Design. We are coordinating with agencies to obtain the necessary permits.

Read additional information about what to expect during construction here.

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Construction Budget

$90 million