Wednesday Webinar! August 26
The Final Expansion of the Groundwater Replenishment System is underway, and now you can get an inside look into the construction activities taking place in Fountain Valley and Huntington Beach. Hear why we’re further expanding the world’s largest facility for potable reuse, what the project entails, the unique way we’re preparing the soil to build, and what lies ahead at each location.
Whether you work in the water or construction industry and are seeking technical information, or you’re a resident who’s driven down Brookhurst Street and exclaimed, “What are they building?” this webinar is for you. Now’s your chance to get a behind-the-scenes look at construction activities related to the project.
1. Sandy Scott-Roberts, GWRS Program Manager, Orange County Water District
2. Cindy Murra, Engineer, Orange County Sanitation District
3. Marc Santaularia, Project Manager, Shimmick Construction
Time: Aug 26, 2020 10:00 A.M.