The City of Placentia Public Works staff recently picked up two loads of OC San’s composted biosolids produced by Synagro.
“It is so rich in color and smells much milder than other compost I have encountered,” commented City staff.
The City of Placentia is making the composted biosolids available to their residents for pick-up. OC San staff worked with City staff to create a Facebook announcement and an informational flyer for the public. The City is considering ordering a full truck load.
As a benefit to our local cities and member agencies, OC San is encouraging local trials and demonstrations of composted biosolids before buying directly from compost producers like Synagro. Local cities are now required by CalReycle regulations (SB 1383) to buy compost and other products derived from materials diverted landfills.
Composted biosolids are a safe and nutrient-rich soil amendment used to grow beautiful plants and build healthy soils with higher water-retention capacities. The composted biosolids are created from OC San’s biosolids that are treated organic matter recovered through the treatment of wastewater.
Find out more about OC San’s Compost Outreach program for our local cities and member agencies and the CalRecyle SB 1383 regulations here: