OC San’s General Manager, Jim Herberg has been voted Board President of the Southern California Alliance of Publicly Owned Treatment Works (SCAP). SCAP is a non-profit corporation organized to help ensure that regulations affecting Publicly Owned Treatment Works (wastewater treatment plants) and collection systems are reasonable and, in the public’s, best interest.
“I am proud to lead SCAP’s Board of Directors,” said Jim Herberg. “Serving as Board President will allow me to share my knowledge and experience with my peers while gaining industry knowledge and insight that I will be able to bring back to my agency. I am honored to serve in this leadership capacity.”
Policy and direction of SCAP is established by the SCAP 21-member Board of Directors. The board is composed of two-member agency representatives from each of the seven Southern California counties SCAP represents. One alternate director from each county serves on the board as needed.
Visit SCAPs website to learn more about them.