Los Alamitos Trunk Sewer Construction Project – March 2, 2023

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Manhole construction work on Seal Beach Blvd.in the City of Seal Beach continues.


With the rain behind us, construction is resuming on March 2. on the manhole on southbound Seal Beach Blvd. near St. Cloud Dr. Once that construction is completed, work will move to the manhole further south near to Lampson Ave.

Each manhole takes approximately 2-3 weeks to complete. Work is being done at night when sewer flows are low. Final street restoration will take place once all work is completed.

Ongoing nighttime work:

  • When: Ongoing – May 2023* 
  • Where: Seal Beach Blvd. from St. Cloud Dr. to Lampson Ave.
  • Work Hours: Monday – Friday, 6 p.m. to 6 a.m.
    • The extended work hours are to allow for the louder construction work to be done before 10 p.m. to lesse disruptions to the neighboring homes.

*Dates and times are subject to change due to operational factors or inclement weather.

3-64B_Seal Beach Blvd Rossmoor Center Way to Lampson Ave_2023-02-03


  • Increased noise level – mitigation measures will be in place to minimize disruptions.
  • Lane reductions as work is occurring.
  • Please allow extra time when traveling in this area.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we continue to improve Orange County’s infrastructure.


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Questions?  Construction Hotline 714.378.2965 or ConstructionHotline@ocsan.gov.

Project fact sheet.

 Project Description

OC San is rehabilitating two parallel sewers on north and southbound Seal Beach Blvd./ Los Alamitos Blvd., and along Katella Avenue, Oak Street, and Lexington Drive in the cities of Seal Beach and Los Alamitos. The work consists of removing calcium buildup at various pipe joints and injecting chemical grout to strengthen the pipe. Rehabilitation and/or replacement of over 70 manholes will also take place.

Construction area map 

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