OC San’s Capital Improvement Program Continues to Excel

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OC San’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is a long-term plan to maintain and replace the infrastructure required to provide essential wastewater service to 2.6 million residents of Orange County. Over the next 10 years, $3 billion is projected for improvements to OC San facilities. Last fiscal year alone, over $195 million was spent on various projects that continue to allow us to meet our mission of protecting public health and the environment.

CIP annual report cover 21-22

The CIP includes projects at all phases of development. From studies and research to identify opportunities, to design, and full construction. Currently OC San has large scale projects in construction like the Headworks Rehabilitation, the Headquarters Building, and modifications to our existing facilities for the final expansion of the Groundwater Replenishment System. We also continue to plan and prepare for the future with designs for projects within our collection system as well as throughout our two plants.

To learn more about OC San’s CIP take a peek at the recently released CIP Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2021-22.



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