Pipeline Rehabilitation Project
Orange County Water District Construction Project
About the Orange County Water District Pipeline Project
Rehabilitation of a 3.5 mile pipeline will bring treated wastewater from Huntington Beach to Fountain Valley. A rehabilitation method called slip-lining installs a new pipeline within an existing pipeline. The pipeline runs adjacent to the Santa Ana River Trail from OCSD’s Plant No. 2 in Huntington Beach to the GWRS facility in Fountain Valley. The slip-lining rehabilitation method has less construction impacts than construction a new pipeline and the location allows construction to stay out of the public right of way.
What to Expect During the Pipeline Project
Orange County Water District’s (OCWD) construction management team will closely monitor construction activities to minimize impacts to the community as much as possible. Please expect the following during this project:
- Construction is expected to begin September 2020 and last approximately nine months
- Work hours are from 7 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday – Friday
- Heavy equipment and open pits along the river trail; pits will be enclosed for safety
- Increased truck/construction traffic
- Noise, possible dust and vibrations
All construction activities will comply with city of Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley permitting and noise ordinances and OCWD will work closely with city engineers and inspectors during construction.Â
Communicating with Neighbors
OCWD will send notifications during construction and will be available to answer questions or address concerns throughout construction.
Where to Find More Information
- OCWD Construction Hotline (714) 378-8244
- Email Info@OCWD.com
- Visit www.OCWD.com/news-events/construction-updates
About the Groundwater Replenishment System
The Groundwater Replenishment System (GWRS) is a collaboration between OCSD and the Orange County Water District (OCWD). It is the world’s largest water purification system for indirect potable reuse. The system takes highly treated wastewater from OCSD that would have otherwise discharged into the ocean and purifies it using a three-step advanced treatment process. The result is high quality water that meets or exceeds all state and federal drinking water standards.
The Groundwater Replenishment System (GWRS) Final Expansion Project will maximize water reuse, reducing the amount of treated wastewater discharged through the ocean outfall. The project will increase treatment capacity from 100 to 130 million gallons per day, enough water for 1 million people!
To learn more about the GWRS Final Expansion you can watch a recording of a fascinating webinar, “An Insider’s Look at Expanding the World’s Largest Potable Reuse Facility.” You can view the webinar on OCWD’s YouTube channel at YouTube/OCWD Water News.
More information about GWRS can be found by visiting www.OCWD.com/GWRS
Printable information of the Pipeline Rehabilitation Project is available.